Wednesday, February 17, 2010

put the mallow on the graham...

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(link is HERE in case it doesn't play above...)

I think there are a lot of lessons in this video. Obviously, its silly to see kids struggle to ignore the tasty (and apparently pleasant smelling) marshmallow in front of them. You put something sweet within reaching distance of a kid, and you can bet it’s going to be eaten… But I looked at it a little deeper. I think the girl who just grabbed it and chowed down is awesome! Why do you need two mallows? One is sufficient for me. I wonder how often that is us in our walk with Christ. God gives us amazing blessings but rather than enjoy them or use them to His glory we sit and wait for more. We rationalize one is sweet, but two is sweeter. And we poke and prod, but we wait and wait for more. Sometimes its OK to wait. A 16-year-old doesn't need their own car right away. Its OK to be patient and wait until the time is better and more age-appropriate. Likewise, it’s smart to save some money for crisis or retirement. Nest eggs are not sinful, despite some conservative opinions otherwise.
But how often do we treat our own gifts and abilities to share the Gospel like that marshmallow on a plate. God has given us the means to effectively go and tell, but we sit and wait. We think we need to read one more book or practice one more time and then we can go out and tell others about Christ. I know I’m guilty of that. I did a lot of mission trips in high school and college and I was never all that good at engaging in conversation about my faith. I always thought that once I actually worked for the church, then I could better speak as a position of authority and thus more effectively tell of Jesus. WELL, 5 years later and I still struggle to give an answer for the hope I have in my Savior. I have yet to just eat the marshmallow and thank God for providing it for me.
I don’t know… maybe this is a bit of a stretch and I’m trying to hard to read something into it... Maybe its just a cute vid of kids mustering all their strength to be patient… but somewhere in there there’s gotta be a sermon illustration or two… thoughts?

What I learned today: Abe Lincoln was the first president to be born out of the original 13 colonies.
What I learned about God today:
Grant that I may willingly
Bear with Thee my crosses,
Learning humbleness of Thee,
Peace mid pain and losses.
May I give Thee love for love!
Hear me, O my Savior,
That I may in heaven above
Sing Thy praise forever.

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