Friday, February 12, 2010

oh look! a friday!

Well I’m not particularly inspired this fine evening. I am, however, planning a retreat. I’m going to take this presidents day weekend and I am going to go up north. No, I will not hunt for my food or grow a beard… I’m going to go up nort by myself and chill. No phones or interwebs, just me and my thoughts and time with my Creator… and the Augsburg Confessions… I have to write a paper… so there will be some homework done… but that’s OK. It’s a paper on forgiveness, something I need to learn more about. So yeah Sunday night I’m just gonna drive up… we’ll see where it takes me… I might cheat my own rules and go online just enough to post on the bla(h)g… we’ll see.

I’m sorry for the downer posts these last couple of weeks. Starting a bla(h)g in the middle of winter in MN is NOT a good idea!
Its like hey, I’m me- good to meet you…. I HATE LIFE… ha!
Trust me, that is NOT who I am. You know, according to Google Analytics, I’ve had over 300 unique page views and an average of 25 daily readers in 5 countries… that’s nuts!! There are people reading this who have no idea who I am, which is kinda cool. I’m purposefully keeping this as anonymous as possible. I’d love to be an Everyman- I’m sure you struggle with some of the same things as I do, so I hope that there’s something that you can take away from this little experiment… trust me, once the sun starts blazing, things will get a lot brighter around here! Just you wait!

Today I learned:
people have noticed i stopped telling you what i learned! who knew? :)
I also learned that a $22 windshield wipers are NOT worth the money... grrr.

Today I learned about God:
i really want to be more of a mirror- reflecting His love...

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