Friday, August 27, 2010

layers of awesome with a puree of perfection

TONIGHT I made a lasagna I've been thinking about for a while. Is it odd I think about lasagnas? Regardless, I made a puree of roasted yellow pepper, sauteed basil and spinach with ricotta cheese. That was layered with whole grain noodles and a thick layer of nicely seasoned turkey burger. It's pretty good. I'm pretty proud of the puree... I give it a solid B.

SO something really cool happened today. Let me go back for a second- My first class of the day, Adult Development, is taught by the... man, how do I say this... lets say... pickiest and most heartless professor I've ever encountered. The truth of the matter is I've had very little success with female professors for whatever reason, and this one is no different. But, like it or hate it, I have to take this class so I will grit my teeth and knock it out of the park. The problem is the required book is not currently available in the bookstore. They sold out 2 weeks ago and won't have any more in until next week. I checked every library in the STATE- only two have it in their catalog and they're both checked out. I checked Barnes and Noble and Boarders, they don't carry it at all.
I contacted the prof and told her that there were no books available and I live 80 miles away, so I can't really share with anyone. I was just letting her know about the situation and was hoping for some sort of advice- maybe offering to allow me to borrow her copy for a week...
She responded with a snippy answer that basically said that I should have bought the book 3 months ago and my poor planning isn't her problem. I wrote back saying hey, I just added this class 2 weeks ago and I was unable to get the book list because she failed to post it online. She replied with a two word response: "tough luck."
WHA??? I didn't really know how to respond to that, so i didn't. ...if you don't have anything nice to say...

So I did some searching online yesterday and I found a website that published the first chapter online so I was able to get my assignment done for today. I still needed the book this weekend to complete the Marxist-esque regiment she calls homework. I checked on the college student's best friend,, to see what was available. They had 11 copies for sale, one of which was here in Minnesota! Where in MN I didn't know... but I was willing to drive to Lutsen if necessary to get this stupid book...
Since is part of Ebay I was able to contact the seller via email and ask if there was any way I could pick up the book this weekend rather than wait for media mail to send it in 7-10 days. I didn't hear back all day yesterday. This morning I get a call from the seller of the book apologizing for not responding earlier, but she was busy HAVING A BABY! YES! Not 15 hours before she called me she was having her first kid. ha! BUT she had the book available and said she (her husband, rather) would meet me today. I told her I was coming from Mankato and she was like, "Oh that's easy, I'm at the hospital in Shakopee" (right on my way home from school- I literally pass it everyday)!! So on my way home I swoop by the hospital, meet her husband at the entrance and bought the allusive book I so desperately needed-- for $45 less than the bookstore would have charged me! How crazy is that?? So random, yet so perfect. Now I have no excuse and will do my best to make it through this ridiculous class... Lord give me stregnth.

TOMORROW- UFC at zackos... gonna be sweet.

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