Sunday, December 18, 2011

I don't think I have any regular readers left... but... Its been a while since I've written anything meaningful... thus, it's been a while since I've apologized for my delinquency. sorry. For anyone who's stumbled upon this here bla(h)g- welcome! and know that I've been marinading on a couple of thoughts, so stay tuned.

In the meantime know that right now as I lay on a blow up bed in one of my favorite people's living room in one of my favorite places on earth i am glad. and grateful. and relishing every moment of this reprieve. good things. Enough about me.

Coming up- jellyfish, lost dreams, 3g's, top 8 albums of the year, year in review (its been a doosy!!) and mobile soup kitchens. So what I'm saying is... if you're bored in 5 or 6 days, check back and you'll have lots of words to read. I can't promise they'll be worth your time, but they'll be here for your perusal.
until then... mazel tov!

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