Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Interesting question:  Why is there no looting in Japan?
In America, a "Christian" country we had huge amounts of crime post-Katrina (for instance)
But in Japan, a country that is over 95% non-Christian, no looting and stores are actually making items cheaper as to benefit society...  crazy, no?
Not to put up a straw-man, I know full well that the folks who looted in New Orleans, for example, were indeed non-Christian (as least I hope) even though our country historically is considered to be otherwise... but still, isn't it just horrible that no crime after a major disaster is shocking to us? 
How can a (True) God-less culture seemingly teach morality better than those that are indeed Godly? What happened to the argument of "you can't have morals w/o God"?  Certainly, their morals are built around that which the True God established (both in the natural law and in the societal law of the 10 commandments, etc), but on a personal basis, without the Holy Spirit living and dwelling within, what standard of personal morality does one possibly have?  And how come it has seemingly departed from our American Christian consciousness?  One could say it is a law motivation- which is absolutely true- but, hello PARADOX- it is law motivation with Gospel results: I don't want to anger the gods, so I live a loving life.  It is of course sad, because the love and concern for their fellow man is all for naught eternally, but temporally they put those of us who follow the one who created the "Golden Rule" to shame!
hmm... food for thought, I guess...
I don't have answers... just more questions... Lord come quickly!

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