Sunday, December 19, 2010


If you were to go to an AA meeting, you would hear the phrase, "let go and let God" quite often. I realize that is what I need to do; let God do the driving and stop being such an annoying backseat driver. The fact that I am where I am is totally part of God's amazing plan and 6 years ago I couldn't even fathom anything close to what had transpired. But man that is easy to write, yet so hard to put into practice. I know full well the comfort of Jeremiah 29:11-13, I know the promise of Matthew 11:28, and the encouragement of Psalm 50:15... I know I know I know but its really difficult to live it sometimes, you know? I picture it in my head like this- this is the nerdiest thing I think I've ever done, but in some of the video games I play there are these things called Flashbangs, and when they go off you hear this high pitched noise and everything is disoriented... this is a poor example, but:
I feel like that. Just noise and disorientation...
Not fun.
I realize this is a bummer of a post after a long hiatus, but it really isn't- I mean the future is exciting! If it goes like I really hope it does, I'll be living in California in like 18 months... that's awesome! Maybe France this summer? Not too shabby. I guess my prayer right now is that I would listen past the noise and I would be consciously aware of God's will for me and my life and I would have the courage, wisdom, and support to be an ambassador of that will... Until then, I will work on mending stretched relationships, finish strong in my undergraduate work, and actively pursue the perfect picture for my frame-literally and metaphorically...

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