methinks i need to learn the art of retreating. I suppose that could be taken a couple of ways, and I think they both are true… its not like I’m over-worked- but honestly I get emotionally drained often- too often, maybe… and so I take a morning off which is just COD and Full House until I feel guilty for not being in the office… I need to learn how to retreat, how to take the time to full my cup… our senior pastor takes painting classes and paints to retreat… he’s really very good. I kinda thought he was silly when I heard that he was painting… but now I see that it’s his way of retreating. Sadly, I’m terrible at art… But I’m good at watching Full House.
But I also need to learn how to retreat from situations. I hang in for too long- I’m not one to not give up- I don’t have a problem with that, but there’s just times when I know I should let it go but don’t… Sadly, its with people too- at some point I need to get to a point where I can no longer help the situation and withdraw from it.. but usually that point you have so much time and emotional currency invested, you really want to stick it out… confounding, I tell ya.
Tomorrow I preach. Its baccalaureate and its going to be good. I hate to be a Debby Downer tonight, but I realize nothing I say will stick with them… that’s just the facts… but we give it the old college try nonetheless… still good fun to have to privilege of sharing the Gospel…
I wonder, how effective is the way we do church? To me it’s all about the relationships- the one-on-one- I honestly cannot think of a single sermon in which I remember some shocking revelation was reveled. I can remember stories and illustrations, but not the application piece. BUT I DO remember conversations- countless conversations in which I learned amazing things about my Lord and my place in His amazing plan… it seems like the whole pack ‘em in and talk at ‘em for 20 minutes is silly… but how can you do it any differently? I’m not a fan of people who complain and do give practical solutions or alternatives… so I will do my best to not be that guy… regardless, I am glad that I GET to focus on relationships in my ministry and I will do everything I can to keep on fostering those relationships and growing them with the waters of grace and peace through my main man J.C.
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