Wow. I just came across this and I thought I would share it. I like the metaphor of being a tree- you'll see- but it just didn't quite flush out like I hoped... I preached this sermon in 2007 and it's kinda long... sorry. There are snippets that aren't mine, I think they're from Max Lucado. I'll search around to see if I can find the exact work cited. I don't know why but half of the ZACCHAEUS are all in caps... weird.
Anyway, there are a couple of decent thoughts in this loooong piece, so enjoy, I guess...
Luke 19
Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. 2A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. 3He wanted to see who Jesus was, but being a short man he could not, because of the crowd. 4So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.
5When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today." 6So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly.
7All the people saw this and began to mutter, "He has gone to be the guest of a 'sinner.' "
8But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, "Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount."
9Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. 10For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."
Grace and Peace are yours now and forever in the name of the one who died and lives again- in the name of God’s one and only son who paid the price for all of our sins. in the name of Jesus
My fellow Redeemed.
My friend who lived behind me had a tree that was awesome
a big ole Maple with low hanging limbs that made for easy accesses to it’s many branches that could hold literally dozens of kids.
What’s more is my friend and his dad built an awesome tree fort with the ladder and the whole nine yards... we loved that tree.
Hundreds of plans made, deals hatched, and conversations were had sitting amongst the bark and leaves of that maple tree
we could see every backyard on the block.
It was so much fun!
My backyard had trees too
it had 3 big ole pine trees that were good for nothing other than annoying ground cover that I had to mow around
we had a gigantic maple tree with the annoying helicopter seeds that would get everywhere
the limbs were like 15 feet off the ground so no one climbed it
it provided shade,
but as a youngster I wanted a wide open baseball field
not a shady yard with a behemoth tree in the way
We also had a row of Poplars along our fence line
Poplars that grew straight up like skinny posts
they had 2 big limbs that you could get up on, but no place to go after that
IN FACT, my friend shawn’s sister once tried to climb higher than we had before-
she slipped and fell off the tree hitting her shoulder on a fence breaking her collarbone
we never climbed it again.
So trees played a big part in my childhood- both trees that were great for climbing
and others that were not
We are called as redeemed Children of God to sometimes go out of our comfort zone to share the Word of God with those who don’t know what Jesus has done for them.
It isn’t always easy or comfortable telling others about their Salvation, and today we’re focusing on the familiar story of Zaccheaus.
It’s a Sunday School favorite- I’ve taught it in countless VBS’s everyone knows about the little man who climbed a sycamore to see Jesus.
The players in this episode are obvious:
We have Jesus who is in his 3rd and final year of ministry here on earth-
He’s well known with a pretty strong following
Everywhere he went was a 1st-century media circus with people lining the streets just to see him pass through
Zaccheaus who will be forever known as short, poor guy.
He wasn't just a tax collector,
But the HEAD tax collector
IF he lived today, he’s got tons of money, investments, healthy retirement fund - new house on the lake 2 new cars and a SUV - big boat
millionaire by age 30 -
tax collector - not just A tax collector – he's the CEO of tax collectors- all the others answer to him
Tax Collectors were of course hated men by the masses
Zaccheaus was a Hebrew, but he worked for Rome
Not only that but he stole from his own people to pay Rome
Most likely didn’t have too many friends
Had to be shrewd and scrupulous to advance as far in the tax collecting world as he did
The setting is Jericho
Located on a very important trade route where the healing Balsam was produced and distributed
Certainly there were a lot of ruthless tax collectors in the area,
And Zaccheaus was the head honcho
So we know Zaccheaus, Jericho was a major city, got that. We of course know Jesus. He was mere days away from his Passion and soon his saving work would be complete
So what am I forgetting?
What do we have in this text that encourages us to go our of our comfort zone and share the Good News with our neighbor?
Well, we have the little guy, the BIG guy- and we have the tree!
It’s the tree that to me gives us the encouragement to branch out and share our faith in ways we’ve never done before
It’s the tree that gives me hope and confidence to boldly and unashamedly profess the name of God
It’s the tree!!
You see ladies and gentlemen
It was the tree that allowed Zacchaeus to see his Lord
w/o it he would have been a small guy in a huge crowd
he would have seen heads and shoulders but no Savior
The Lord used that tree to change Zacchaeus’ life forever,
So, today Lady’s and Gentlemen I charge you all to be a tree!
There are lots of different types of trees-
The mighty oak which stand tall and firm
The huge sequoias and redwoods which grow to such large a scale that is mind blowing
There’s the multiple types of pines which smell delicious and are used so nicely at Christmas time
(not a big fan of pines)
They make good baseball bats…
So the question is- How can we be a tree? why?
First of all our roots are deeply rooted in the living water that is Jesus Christ and the infallible living Word of God.
We can proudly, boldly, fearlessly be trees so that others see Christ through us
because we, ourselves, were forever changed by a tree 2000 years ago
When Jesus died on the tree, that is the cross on Calvary
He took away once and for all the sins of the world- all the guilt, all the shame- all of it is gone because of Jesus’ death and triumphant resurrection
Then, At our baptisms we were given the free gift of faith.
We went from lost and condemned wanderers
to sanctified and redeemed Children of the living God
The Holy Spirit has taken up residence in our hearts and we have the hope that cannot be shaken
Our roots are in the fertile soil of grace and we drink deeply from the refreshing water of life.
Jesus says I am the vine you are the branches he who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit
The fruit we bear as redeemed children of God are lives of service, words of love, and thoughts of compassion
The fruit we bear because we are attached to the vine that is our savior Jesus is letting the His light shine through us-
By being trees!
By allowing others to see Him through us
We have the Savior of the WORLD living within us
And our roots are deep
Storms come and huff and puff- we might loose some leaves, some sticks might fall, but we have nothing to fear- HE is strong.
The next part of being a tree is having limbs that are easy to climb
The sycamore fig tree that Zacchaeus was up is like nothing we have here in MN. This was a fruit tree that still grows abundantly in the Middle East and more resembles an apple tree then it does the American Sycamore that you might have in your yards.
It has low lying and plentiful limbs that are absolutely perfect for climbing
They are close enough to the ground to get a good grip on, and they are strong enough to hold several people’s weight
When it comes to us going out of our comfort zone to share our faith- are we a sycamore fig tree or a pine?
Do we have our faith limbs out and easy to climb, or are we prickly and guarded?
I am really good at packing up my limbs when I know they need to be out and ready to climb
In order for people to see Jesus through us we need to think, act, and live as He wants us to.
Being a tree can be found in the small things-
Our Christ-light can shine through us with things as easy as a smile when passing someone by
Or a quick hello to a co-worker
A “hey, how you doin’?” to a neighbor as you pass on the sidewalk
Have your limbs down
Be approachable
We are sometimes so guarded here in metropolis America
We give cold shoulders to strangers
We quickly judge by appearances
Rather than allowing people to see the love of God through us
We are much more comfortable with 15 foot trunks- impossible to climb
If they want to know, they’ll ask us…. we tell ourselves
It’s like saying- if they want to climb, they’ll bring their own ladder
Fellow redeemed be like the sycamore fig that Zacchaeus used to see Jesus-
We’re well rooted in the Living Word
Don’t be afraid to let your light shine
To let your limbs down
To let others see the Jesus that’s living within you
Remember we have the power and the commission of the most high God to go and tell
We have marching orders for the creator and sustainer!
If God is for us, who can be against us?
We are not alone
Don’t be afraid.
We have the promise that the holy Spirit will give us the words- we just need to have our limbs down.
I doubt that Zacchaeus was the only guy who had the idea to climb into a tree to get better view - trees along the route may have been filled with people
but this was ZACCHAEUS's day - he didn't know it yet,
but Jesus did
it was all planned
Jesus came right to the spot - looked up and said
Hey, ZACCHAEUS - come down –
HURRY - don't hesitate, don't delay, don't think twice - just come down cause I'm going to make myself a guest in your home
people all upset
They knew what kind of man ZACCHAEUS was
what he did for living –
called him a "sinner" ouch!
They said he was lost- that is beyond anyone’s help
But little ZACCHAEUS never felt taller!
came down as fast as he could, gladly welcomed Jesus into his home
When people saw that Jesus was going to ZACCHAEUS’s house that day, they scoffed-
Zacchaeus was the head honcho tax collector- he stole and embezzled a lot of money. Everyone hated him
and yet he was the one Jesus chose to talk to, to dine with, to change forever
I tell you- I know me- and I know that if I were to meet a man with a reputation like Zacchaeus today, I wouldn’t have my limbs out- I would want to be like one of those poplars on my fence line-
not a Maple with a tree fort-
I’d be hesitant to talk to him, let alone share the good news of Jesus-
He’d be one I’d chalk up to as lost- beyond help,
Certainly beyond MY help
Someone else can share their faith with him…
Fellow redeemed We have PERMISSION- in fact we are invited to branch out, to reach out, to share our faith- even if it’s against public approval
Especially if it’s someone whom others have written off
Jesus no doubt passed by hundreds of “good folks”
And went to the bottom of the barrel
And gave him everlasting life
The word of God is powerful and living
Don’t underestimate the awesome power it has to change hearts and minds- even those who are written off as “lost”
Jesus forever changed Zacchaeus’ life that day in Jericho- and Zacchaeus was able to see him because of the tree.
So, we as trees deeply rooted in the Word, limbs strong and ready to climb, and finally we live with leaves out waiting for the wind to blow them
The Holy Spirit is commonly referred to as a wind- At the Pentecost the disciples heard a mighty wind as the Spirit descended upon them
We as trees should have our leaves out and waiting for those opportunities to share our love of Jesus.
I can think back to so many times that I could have so very easily shared my faith in conversations or interactions but didn’t because I just wasn’t thinking- I wasn’t looking for the opportunity so the opportunity was lost.
I’m not saying the Lord is going to speak to us in a vision or transport us like he did Philip
But the holy spirit DOES direct our steps and guides our paths
Have you seen those Arby’s commercials with the people who are distracted and it turns out that they’re “thinkin’ Arbys” and you see the Arby’s hat on top of their heads
Wouldn’t it be nice if God could put the something like the Arbys thing on top of people’s heads- THOSE are the ones that we’re supposed to talk to-
But if God did do that-
If we could see those people who are hurting
In need of the Savior
would we like what we saw?
There would be a lot of arrows that we would say,
REALLY? THAT person?
We must never forget who we are rooted in-
Jesus gave us the Great Commission- go and make disciples of all nations
1Tim 2:4 says that our Savior wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth
We as redeemed Children are called to be ambassadors of Christ.
Called to give a reason for the hope that we have in Christ
We are equipped with the powerful, living word
And he who saved us lives within us!
Jesus tells ZACCHAEUS and all others who were at his house that His mission was to seek and save the lost.
That really sums it all up and at same time brings focus back to you and me
we are the lost, unable to save ourselves
without Jesus in our lives we are restless, looking for something or someone to fill space in hearts meant only for Jesus - and nothing works
but Jesus came into the world and died in our place for our sins
doesn't care where we've been
- just like it didn't concern Him that the people in Jericho despised Zacchaeus
It's not where we've been but where we're going that concerns Him
He stands ready and willing to forgive - to pick us up and set us on the right track
He assures us that He cares, that He will provide
Because He came to seek and save what was lost
That is the message-
The powerful awesome mind-blowing message that we as Christians believe
And we as trees are to share
Look for opportunities to share that message that has changed our lives for all eternity
Intentionally engage your neighbors, schoolmates and co-workers with a kind word or smile
Dig deep into the Word that we are so deeply rooted in and put your guard down
and allow the Lord to use you in powerful, powerful ways
Pray that we would be receptive-
recognizing the Lords direction and call for us to share our faith with others
After Jesus called ZACCHAEUS and says he’s going to his house
A lot happens not recorded in text
The scene changes from tree on side of road to ZACCHAEUS's house
we can assume that meal has been served and there has been much conversation
don't know what was discussed but we do know the impact it had on ZACCHAEUS
Don’t pass that by too quickly-
It must be recorded for purpose –
all Scripture recorded for purpose
what the significance? –
Zacchaeus is saying, “I've got an announcement to make - a public announcement”
not something I take lightly - but very seriously
He said it to the Lord but was public - for all to hear:
Half his possessions he was giving to the poor –
4 times back to those he’s cheated
wait a minute the people must have thought what's this all about?
is he trying to buy happiness?
trying to bribe Jesus?
not at all
rather, ZACCHAEUS found what He was looking for
found happiness- and the answer is not getting more money - not even in keeping the money he had
the answer is in Jesus
can you appreciate how radically his thinking had changed from the time he got up in the morning til the time he had Jesus as guest in his house?
his thinking changed from getting money to giving money away
from serving his own needs to caring for the poor
from getting as much as he could any way he could to giving back 4 times as much as he had taken wrongfully
that's a radical change
know what? I don't see him making this statement grudgingly - I see freedom, willingness, eagerness to get into the new life Jesus has called him to
We don't hear anymore about ZACCHAEUS except these all important words
implying that not only ZACCHAEUS but his family too came to believe in Jesus as Savior and Lord
ZACCHAEUS is in heaven – and the tree played a major role!
His savior found him that day because of the tree
his life took on whole new meaning and purpose -
Jesus filled the emptiness -
but that's only part of the whole picture - life with God in heaven for eternity the other part -
part we can't yet see but ZACCHAEUS is experiencing
Don’t be afraid to be a tree-
the water that gives us life has conquered death for us
the one who gives us strength and the words to speak is almighty
the one who moves us and guides us is living within us-
Stand firm and know that our God is with you, His son has saved you, and the Holy Spirit is guiding you.
don’t let anyone cut you down
because you have the creator, sustainer, and savior of the word as your guide
God be praised!
It is in his name we live and in His arms we rest
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