My lovely writing prompters gave me four topics this fine evening: 1- something that I would redo in my life, 2- really bad baby names, 3- summertime, and 4- phat beats.
3 and 4 are synonymous terms, so I will tackle them tomorrow. Really bad baby names… I just don’t know about that… Much like when you get a tattoo people say, “hey what will that look like when you’re 80”? I think the same goes for your kid’s name. Can you imagine a Grandpa Jordan or a Grandma Brittany? What about President Reece or Senator Latasha? I just don’t see it. I’m all for bringing back the old time names. I like Walter, Henry, Bette, Pearl, Edna, Rutherford… Bring those back and lose the Brittany’s and Cody’s… ick.
But my real topic will be something that I would redo in my life. What a wonderful thought! I have few regrets, honestly, so it wouldn’t be something that I would do the opposite of, per say, just something I would redo in a different manner. I could get all sappy and talk about a couple of relationships that I should have fought harder for… but that’s just lame and really uninteresting to you, my devoted reader(s). I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I stayed for my final year of school rather than took the call to BLC. I really have no idea what I’d be doing right now… probably dreaming about being a youth minister… I think if I could go back and redo buying my house I would. I don’t like the leash that homeownership really is. Or, I would buy a single family home, not a townhome… I probably wouldn’t have bought my car- I should have gone cheaper and older (yes, dad, you were right…)… but those things are easy to say now that the housing bubble burst and gas went mando expensivo. I think would have avoided one person in high school that cause much heartache and silly drama…
I was just talking to the 8th graders today about my sophomore year of high school. It was a year that my parents were in Africa and I stayed home with a vicar and his wife and kid. It was a crazy year- a time that I have really largely blocked out, but something I should probably write about sometime. To say it was life-changing would be an understatement. Honestly, it sucked, but as I told my class, I wouldn’t change it. I was a really annoying, really immature, really selfish brat until I had to grow up my sophomore year. The things I learned were priceless, and I wouldn’t ever take them back. So even that I wouldn’t redo. There are a couple of auditions that I passed on because I was too chicken, maybe that would be worth redoing… I dunno.
The fact of the matter is, I am sitting on my couch with Holmes on Homes (great show in HGTV) at 11:34 pm on a Wednesday night in the townhome that I own as an employee of BLC for a reason… and truly every little decision and choice that has been made in my life resulted in where I am right now. The whole idea of he butterfly effect- that all actions have a ripple effect and reaction- I believe that is true. Even if I could pick one little tiny thing to redo, it could totally change everything… unless that was part of who I am, future me going back and correcting past me’s mistakes… but that would forever alter the space-time continuum. Great Scott!
Woah… just had a Back to the Future spasm there.
I guess my answer is I wouldn’t go back and redo anything, because everything has turned out pretty awesome thus far and I honestly can’t wait to see what’s next.
OK fine, I would redo buying my house. renting is my preferred mode of living.
There. Happy? :)
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