Friday, January 14, 2011

turn it up to 11.

Well, first of all, I have 15 posts left in this little dog and pony show... the countdown begins... :)
Today was a good day.  Fun to bum around with a bro and keep the streak alive... it ends today??
But I took a long nap... thus I'm up and at 'em.  So I'll use this time to keep my promise.
You, of course, know my resolution from last year... you're reading it... and, while it didn't really go as planned, I think it was still pretty successful, and allowed for some really valuable introspection.  When I'm on the NYT Bestseller list, you'll all be able to say you knew me "back then"... :)
OH, before I go any further.  This week i procured both an electric food dehydrator AND a juicer... 2011, you're looking mighty delicious!
This is going to be a big year. Not only am I turning 30, but you know, I'm finishing up that whole college thing, making some pretty big decisions about my future, and spending some time navigating through my past in order to make the next 30 plus years pretty great.  Its gonna be a pretty wild ride... but don't worry, I'll wear my seat belt.
So resolutions-
I don't know, resolutions are kinda lame, I guess, so maybe I'll phrase it like this- If I read these statements on Jan 14, 2012 and they aren't at least attempted, I'll be kinda bummed.  How about that?
Having said that, In the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Eleven, I hope to:
1- Intentionally work on relationships- I've spent the last couple of years kind of to myself.  This isn't me, nor is it good for me.  So, I need to suck up some of my own insecurities and veiled laziness and get out and amongst people on a regular basis.  My new roommate will certainly help in this.  We, unlike my current roommate, have much in common and will have fun.  I still miss Johnny, tho.  He was good people.
2- down size.  Sell!  don't replace what is stolen :(!  Don't buy!  less! less! less!!!  I think I'm ready.
3- consciously fill my own cup.  Get in the Word, man!!!  Its a shame I have to remind myself to do that...
4- be aware of my presence and influence.  never assume, take for granted, or dominate...
5- Be the encourager you want around you.  Build up, be positive, and reek of joy.  How can that not be a recipe for good things??
6- be.
7- JUICE like a Tropicana employee and DEHYDRATE like I own Jack Links.  Seriously, I'm giddy.
8- continue to read and learn.
9- listen twice as well as I talk... this could be tough. 

There are others, I'm sure... but this is getting kinda lame.
But, good times in '11!  Its gonna be a good one!

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