I was told my readers miss me, so here I am appeasing the "masses" :)
Really, I've not blogged much lately for a couple of reasons.
1- I really am borderline overwhelmed with getting back into the swing of ministry. I have a sort of renewed passion for pouring into the lives of kids, but there are so many other things that I need to get done. Least of which is a pretty major paper... so, lots to do!
2- I'm just really really happy right now. The fact of the matter is that blogs like this are all about a stream of consciousness. For whatever reason, you enjoy reading about what's going on in my life. The thing is though, at least for me, the things that are interesting to read are the things that come from a dark place. Its easy to articulate sadness and easy to wax down in the dumps. Not only that, but I kind of enjoy reading such things. I certainly enjoy songs that are kind of depressing- maybe its because I'm a Lutheran and depressing songs are in a minor key. Lutherans love the minor key. Whatever the reason its it much easier to bla(h)g about sadness than it is joy. Its almost like if I write about being joyful its like I'm bragging, you know? If I talk about allll the good things and awesome people in my life you, the reader, will roll your eyes and ask, "who cares?" But if I write about being bummed out, you the reader thinks, "aww, poor fella" or "well at least I'm better off than him" or you can identify with that sadness and feel a sort of attachment. Its a tad masochistic, really... Plus happiness usually means one is out and about and with people and friends, so he doesn't have time to wallow and bla(g)h (I know I'm being inconsistent with my use of the word bla(h)g; I'm just getting sick of writing it like that...). In that regard, I must admit, my calendar has been chocked full since Christmas. Fun, fun times. Browling, brotime, 5am session, fight night, the ritual, making stars explode, vespers, lots of movies, cards, secrets, following guts, waffles, wings, and so much more. (I'm grinning very widely right now)
So, If you've not heard from me for a while, know its because I'm happy and blessed, and glad. Or I'm pinned underneath my car.
3- God is good. He's given me a couple of sets of listening ears recently that I am so grateful for. I really started this bla(h)g because I needed to have an outlet. I actually hoped that one, maybe 2 people would ever see it. It is kind of embarrassing that there are more folks who take time out of their day to peruse... But lately I've been able to share and process with real, live people. Its a very novel concept, I know.... Its also one of those blessings that leaves me to say to God: "thank you, thank you thank you!!!! good things.
Ha I just got bored trying to think of other reasons why I've not written lately. I just don't have much to say, quite honestly. I could complain about my lame car, but that's no fun. SO, know I'm happy, blessed, and movin' and shakin' :)
Also, I got new glasses that I am very stoked to see!!! Friday! Come quickly!!!
buh. bye.
peace and blessings.
peace. and. blessings.
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