Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I know the last thing you want to do is read me complain, but man oh man my "to do" list is never ending...
The worst part about that is I don't have time to pontificate... I might be a very odd duck... well, I AM an odd duck, but this could make me even odder in that I often lose myself in my own head. I guess you'd call it daydreaming, but its more than that. I have complete conversations or long orations in my head. This leads to interesting bla(h)g posts... sometimes... but nowadays when I try to get into a train of thought a little whisper in the back of my head goes off and reminds me of something I've forgotten or neglected to do. Its like waking up from a dream in the middle of the night, so once I process that reminder the train of thought that I had is gone.
I hope none of this makes me sound too nuts-o... haha... Its just how I think...
Needless to say, I'm weary.

OK that's enough psychobabble complaining. I'm of the opinion that you have time for what you want to have time for, that is, you accomplish what you make a priority. I need to make this a priority because I've come far too close to let just stop.
In fact, I've been thinking about how my priorities will indeed get to change come December 17th. No longer will it be about my long commute and finishing homework. I will be able to invest more time in the lives of kids and giving church the attention it needs. That'll be nice.
Wellp, until then...

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