Saturday, October 2, 2010

high amid the treetops

It is 11:00 pm and I’m in my office at church catching up on work that I was too lazy to take care of throughout the week. I don’t really mind. I suppose this is another thing to put on the list of things that will disappear if (God-forbid) I ever get married. Haha that could be an interesting list…
Anyway. Today I MC’d another night of battle of the bands… it was pretty brutal, to be honest. There are a lot of kids who think they’re pretty stellar, but are actually really, really off key. Oh well, still good times.
I’m trying to come up with something devotional in nature to write, but nothing comes to mind… I ordered 6 books written by the amazing minds of Gene Veith and J.W. Montgomery. I love, by the way. All told, the six books came to like $40 including shipping. Awesome.
The first one came and is called “Loving God with all Your Mind” by Veith. It looks pretty fantastic. I have really enjoyed apologetics lately, and I think it is something I would like to further pursue… but where? I have come to the realization that in this moment, at 11:02 on October 2, 2010 I don’t want to be a parish pastor. BUT I want the knowledge and education equal to a pastor’s… so… yeah. What that means, I don’t know, but perhaps a pursuit of an advance degree in religion or philosophy would be wise. But then the question of where to obtain said degree looms, and since there is no easy or clear answer to that I throw my hands up in the air… and wave them like I just don’t care.
Once I’m done with that, I get to studying my GRE materials. I think where I go next rests heavily on my GRE score. Wish me luck, I guess…
It is fun to have options, and God-willing, come May I’ll be all graduated and spiffy and I can actually fully explore my options. I really hope more education is in the cards, because after 11 years in college, I’ve kind of grown to appreciate knowledge and I wish to engage in the endless pursuit thereof.
Watch out academia, here I come! 

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