Wednesday, August 11, 2010

why not?

Methinks it would be interesting… at least to future me who undoubtedly is reading this after washing his 29 luxury sports cars and sending his maids and cooks home for the weekend (future me is a kind employer)…
OK that was an odd little tangent. Allow me to start over.
Methinks that it would be interesting to post my prayers at the moment. You know, the stuff that is on my heart and mind as I take it to the Big Guy in the heart-to-heart we call prayer. It is such a blessing… SO take it for what it’s worth, I suppose…

BUT THEN I realize that its kinda personal… and I really don’t want you-who-read to have that kind of insight… if that makes any sense…
SO rather topics that are on my heart-
I pray that the Lord will heal the kids that are sick
Calm the families that are sad
Quiet the arguments that complicate relationships
Stir the love and affection of his children that they would desire to grow closer to Him and closer to each other

I am so deeply and profoundly blessed
I thank our God for the amazing people He has put into my life
The unfathomable opportunities and abilities He has given me
The wonderful volunteers and helpers that surround me
The people who love me and care about me and my future and would do anything to see me succeed and achieve my goals…

I pray for our church and its leadership
For vision and goals that are according to His will
For people to be willing to give of their time and talents to further His church

I pray for our country and this world
I pray that I would trust in God and not in man
That I would have faith in the Creator, not in markets
And I would keep my eyes fixed on the cross, not on the news ticker knowing that what was accomplished on that cross makes whatever unrest that swirls around me irrelevant because my future is secured in His nail-marked hands

I pray for guidance
I pray for self control
I pray for peace in my own heart
I pray that I would be humble in success and educated in my failures
I pray for wisdom
I pray that I would always be consciously aware of my Savior living within me and that I would always reflect the Love that He showed me on the cross
I pray boldly that God would take away the blinders and allow me to know without a doubt that the path that I am treading is absolutely His will for my life- that I am no blazing my own trail, but rather walking in the way He desires
I pray that His desire is my desire
And my love toward others is His love toward His children.
I pray for forgiveness
Again and again and again
I pray that I would be broken from this rut of sin
And declare war on the part of me that desires what is not of God
I cannot help but cower in shame as I realize the opportunities I willingly passed on today to share Jesus because I was scared or ashamed
I thank God for His Son
For His sacrifice
For His forgiveness
For His Holy Spirit

I pray the past would always be behind me
And the future would always be framed in trust and rooted in Christ
I pray for more opportunities to share today

I pray for companionship
For an understanding
For wholeness

I pray for my friends and family
For my kids and their families

And then…
I drift asleep…
In what is like a heavenly couch as I talk to my Daddy in heaven…

Let it be so.

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