Well that was fun. It shouldn’t be too bad of a semester. Labor intensive, yes, but all interesting subject matter to be sure. My senior project continues to loom ominously. I need to start getting pen to paper… then it should make more sense.
Lately I’ve been given a renewed passion for my Lutheran heritage. I don’t know nearly enough about being Lutheran, but I know it is special and I know it is the truth. Along with that I’ve been kind of beating myself up over not educating better when I have had ample opportunities. I would love it if ALL my kids would know how to answer 2 questions, “why are you Lutheran?” and “what’s the difference between me (insert denomination here) and you?” I realize that is a crazy dream because honestly sometimes I don’t even know, but it’s a dream nonetheless. And then I think jeepers- if the worst thing I have going with my kids is they are unsure what kind of Christian they are, then we’re doing OK.
I dunno… it’s a cocktail of confusion- I know it’s all about the One Thing Needful… and yet I am increasingly put off by mainline Christianity. It all started with the crazy healer guy. But then I had 3 whole days to sit at our booth at Sonshine and observe and listen to all the people around me- the majority of which were mainliners. I just am so put off by the Christian vernacular- words people use in prayer or whatnot that they really won’t use in regular conversation, but they’re “Christian words” you know? Like “God put it on my heart” granted I say that occasionally, but it’s totally a catchword or “hedge of protection” who says that? Or over using the word “just”… don’t get me started on that one…
And church names lately have gotten really weird- Victory Love Church? What is that? And Friendship Church? Wha? And Lantern Church? Odd.I know I’m sounding so snotty, and I apologize, but honestly I am really disenfranchised with what the church at large has become. I don’t even know how to put my finger on it- I mean these are good people. Bible-believing, Christ-following people. I hope we can all be on the same block in Heaven. But maybe its the whole Spirit lead stuff- its has really been on my radar lately more than ever before. There’s the deep healing prayer which is really a pseudo-hypnosis that can really do a lot of damage to one’s psyche. And the whole healing thing and the speaking in tongues and some conversations I’ve had with non-denom’s about how you gotta feel your faith and stuff… its just so… icky!
I love the fact that what we confess as Lutherans is rock-solid. Its based on Scripture and on Christ, not on emotions and out actions. Its based on the hope and total reliance on Jesus Christ, not an uncertainty based on my decision… I dunno. I am really bothered by it lately and I don’t really know why. Quite honestly some of my favorite people are in no way Lutheran, so why is it bugging me so much? Ick. I hope my people know that it’s the doctrine that bugs me, not them, you know? I mean if someone wants to attack Lutheranism, they aren’t going to offend me, so my distaste with all things Armenian has little to do with the people, and everything to do with the falsities. Having said that, some of the people annoy me as well. :)
WOW. I am bratty. Sorry. I don’t mean to be. I’m pumped for at least 2 of my classes, because they will deal directly with this very topic. I’m learning how to be prepared to give an answer for the hope I have… and it makes me glad.
On a different note- big shout out to my mommy- the big 6-6 today! I love you- and I know you know that we will share Heaven one day because of you and dad. Thanks for that.
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