Wednesday, August 17, 2011


man, tonight was a good hang!  I sat and told post-high school stories with 2 guys that lived through some crazy times with me back in the day... I can't believe 1- how stupid I was in my early 20's and 2- how gracious God is that I didn't serve an extended sentence in jail... haha.  Seriously though, we are blessed to be alive to tell some of those tales... good times.

I'm in a spot right now where I really, really desire community.  Like I miss hanging out with people who are in the same stage in life as me- and don't have kids... that's a big caveat.  I talk to people who have that community, that group and they find it at church.  Well, my church doesn't have something like that.  If I didn't work there, I could probably go somewhere else and find said community, but I do, so I can't.
BUT I DO work there... so perhaps I can create a growth group of folks in their mid 20's-mid 30's... that would be sweet... and yet, it's something I want to be a part of, not lead, and, since I'm on staff, even if one of the other rev's leads it, I'll still be looked to as some sort of leader... that might not be a bad thing, but its still a little... ugh.  Ultimately, however, this is another tiny little piece of the pie that says, "Hey maybe you need to move on."  ...or maybe its just a prompting to start something new that can impact people at your church... I'm sure I'm not the only one with this desire and few places to have it fulfilled... I just wish I could spend more time being ministered to, rather than doing the ministering... this, I fear, is the plight of the called worker.  le sigh.

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