yesterday, as i was mandolining carrots for an AMAZING roast I made, I cut my finger pretty badly. like there's a chunk miossiong. It makes typ=ing with my righjt habnd pretty difficult.
I have a huge band-aid on it, thus sometimes I hit two keys at once;. I wonder if this is how we look to God sometimes. We try to put our own band-aid over our wounds, we try tio take care oif ourselves on;ly to make everything mopre cpomberspome and difficul;t. Real;l;y, I probably should have gpone tp the ER, but stubboprn me... Np[t tpo wporry, the bleeding is stop-p-ed and it'll be fine (i'm ho[ing foir a sweet scar), but I couold have made it easoer iof I just let spomepne help me.
Without Jesus we canno0t be fine and we tru;y have nop chance of hea;ling. Thankfull;y fingers hea; better than hearts. I thank God for His Son Jesus, and I pray IU always cl;ing toi the cross in a;;l things, rather than tryoing toi handle things pon my opwn. Because when io doon't I lookl (and feel) likoe a moprpn trying ti tyupe wiuth a ridicul;pus band=aid pn my finger.
Thank yopu L:ord fopr wanting my burdens, and gove me the wiosdpom to always lay them at your feet.
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