Children of God, dying and rising,
Sing to the Lord a new song!
Heaven and earth, hosts everlasting,
Sing to the Lord a new song!
He has done marvelous things.
I, too, will praise him with a new song.
Herbert Brokering, hymn-writer, book author, and Luther scholar now stands in joy beside his Savior. He is remembered as one who was alive in Jesus, alive to God’s people, and one who delighted in all of God’s creation, seen or unseen. He had a passion for words and often gave single words as baptismal presents to children. He connected words with the Word becoming flesh and fresh in Jesus. His writing evoked a childlike joy and faith in Jesus and all he has done.
Brokering’s prayer for each of us:
Lord, send me a surprise. One that catches me off guard and makes me wonder…like Easter.
Send me a resurrection when everything looks dead and buried.
Send me light when night seems too long.
Send me spring when the cold and frozen season seems endless.
Send me an idea when my mind is empty.
Send me a thing to do when I am just waiting around.
Send me a new friend when I am alone.
Send me peace when I am afraid.
Send me a future when it looks hopeless.
Send me your Resurrection when I die, Jesus!
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