*sigh* I was awoken (grrrrr) and cannot get back to sleep which is worrisome as there will be several inches of snow on the ground in 5 hours when I have to leave… oh well. Let’s make some lemonade from these lemons, shall we?
So these past several posts have been quite glum, I must admit. I can’t apologize for it, I’m just feeling how I feel… but there comes a time when one needs to realize what cannot be changed and accept that reality, and look for things that can be changed and focus on making those things better… I love the book of Job. You can really find fodder for feeling sorry for yourself. He was down in the deepest of the dumps. But the thing I love most is God’s response to Job’s 36 verses of complaining. He starts out in Job 38:
Brace yourself like a man;
I will question you,
and you shall answer me.
ha! I love that- God talking smack. YOU QUESTION ME?? Now I will respond- face me like a man! I love that! Then he goes into the most excellent display of power… He asks- where were you when I created the earth? And on and on – read it here- I just love that. God hears our prayers and He is patience personified… but at the end of the day HE is the CREATOR of the world! He knows ALL- and He cares! He knows my heart, He knows my needs, He knows my desires and my talents and my shortcomings and He will put me where He wants me on His time. He is God, and He patiently allows me to sulk for a couple of days, but as he reminded Job, He reminds me- He is he One in charge, and I am left with no reply other than Job’s in verse 42-
“I know that you can do all things;
no plan of yours can be thwarted.”
Not much more can be said after that. Thank you Lord for your tenderkindness!
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